Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hey You...!

do you remember me??

do you miss me??
..every minute every second..

do you think about me??
..always on my mind..

do you love me??
..every single beat of my heart!

p/s : you're the one that i love..the only one i dream're the one i kiss good're the one i want for life...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the most vulnerable part of me...

i don’t want to ever let myself go..i wish to capture the best image people have of me and somehow hold on to it forever because i’m vain and because i’m at that awkward level of attractiveness where people can decide if I’m cute or not...

i would like to go back to the first person who touched me in a loving way and thank him/her kindly while forgetting all the ones who left me feeling cold..why do we always remember the ones who hurt us the most and seem to blank out on the ones who could actually love us??

i want to go back to the time when i had everything in control and didn't feel so much like the "other"..your confidence is supposed to grow as you get older..not diminish..something must be broken here....

Friday, November 23, 2012

Talking to myself... part 10

if something can sit vertically or horizontally..
i always set it horizontally...
safety first!

p/s : eonni..saeng-il chuka-hae..hope u will find ur Future Lover that i x langkah! >.<

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

if i told you what i've become...

cause it's so easy to sing it to a crowd...
but it's so hard to say it to you...
all alone...

p/s : maybe i wait for the right time for me to tell u...

Monday, November 12, 2012


Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Hidup...
Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Berdiri Sendiri...
Dengan rahmat-Mu aku memohon pertolongan-Mu...
Perbaikilah untukku, urusanku semuanya...
Dan janganlah Engkau serahkan aku kepada diriku sendiri walau sekelip mata...

Thursday, November 1, 2012


“Ya Allah…aku bukanlah hamba-MU yang TERBAIK…namun aku akan BERUSAHA…untuk belajar menjadi insan yang LEBIH BAIK disisi-Mu Ya Allah…Redhailah aku untuk menuju jalan-MU Ya Allah…”

p/s : Dear November..please be awesome to me...