road to engagement 0 day...heyhoo!
checklist please :-
engagement ringbaju nikah + samping (hantaran)perfume (hantaran)sejadah (hantaran)cupcake (hantaran)chocolate (hantaran)fruits (hantaran)sirih junjung (hantaran)engagement dress + shoesinstax camera + film (guestbook + photoshoot)photographerguestbook + photo albumjar + cookies + ribbon (doorgift)thank you stickermini pelamin + hantaranmake up + hand bouquet +accessorieskhemah canopy + kerusi + meja + decocatering + buffet set + paper plate + paper cupguest list (close family & friends)photoprops
last but not least...
Future Fiance
#eh! ;p
okie..all is done! ready to go..hee~ ^o^ the way..hantaran cookies tu change last minute jadi sejadah sebab cookies & chocolate tu mcm sama je bak kata Abg Jepp a.k.a wedding planner..huu~ the way..hantaran cookies tu change last minute jadi sejadah sebab cookies & chocolate tu mcm sama je bak kata Abg Jepp a.k.a wedding planner..huu~