Sunday, October 31, 2010

susah sangat ke???

kalau tak hilang..mesti rosak benda yg aku bagi kn???
tak pun ade je something bad yg happen kn...
kalau tak nak or tak suke ckp je laa...
bole pulangkn je blek kt aku...
tak susah pun...
tak perlu laa nk buat aku sakit hati...
macam sia-sia je ape yg aku cube buat selama nie...
harram jaddah btol!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


aku tahu...semua kecewa dengan diri aku...
aku sendiri pun kecewa...
tapi salah aku sorg je ke??? mungkin....
tapi aku buat begini untuk kebaikan semua....
untuk mengelakkan kekecewaan yang lebih teruk terjadi di kemudian hari....
aku sendiri pun terluka...aku sendiri pun sakit....
tapi tidak mengapa....
biar semua kesakitan itu terjadi sekarang kerna di kemudian hari kita semua akan tertawa bahagia....


Pretending everything is right to make it better...
I'll hide my make-up smeared eyes...
To show that I'm fine...


bertahan selagi mampu...
iya..itu yang telah aku lakukan...
aku sudah cuba sedaya upayaku...
maaf...aku tidak mampu lagi....
aku tidak kuat untuk menghadapinya lagi.....
aku tidak tenang di sini....terasa sangat asing di sini...
sepertinya bukan dunia aku....
maafkan aku...
aku harap kalian semua faham....
aku sudah fikir semasak-masaknya...
ini juga merupakan keputusan yang paling susah dibuat sepanjang hidupku....
tapi aku rasa ini yang terbaik untuk diriku...juga untuk semua....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

talking to myself... part 2

you don't ever really talk to yourself when you're alone, do you???
nahh...i'd never do that...~

Saturday, October 2, 2010


bangunnn woiii............!
september already end~
welcome october....
heee~ :)

p/s : wake me up when september ends...haihh~

Friday, October 1, 2010

dah kenape kaw nie???

sumpah...aku terdiam seribu bahasa pabila mendengar gossip panas tersebut....
mmg sgt2 panas sampai takat boiling point...
PANAS...~ (ala2 gaya fazura dlm pisau cukur)
dah kenape maseh berbuat begitu sedangkn naluri diri adalah bertentangan???
dah kenape nk mengkhianati sahabat sendiri sedangkn sudah mengatahui keadaan sebenar???
elusy separa sedar kah???
atau hanya sekadar mengada-ngada??? COACH is killing me..~ (lg ala2 gaya fazura dlm pisau cukur)
please stop it rite now or else all your friends and people u love will leave u....
tolong laa sedar...huu~

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the fast life

21 yeras old...still young rite???
so much u want to do...
enjoying ur youth life....
experiencing new things....
and so many more...
do u guys agree with me???
getting married at this stage of age is a BIG NO NO for me....
paling awal pown kalo nk kawen 25 n above...
i'm not ready to be some one wife nor to be a mother of some one....
but maybe it's different thought for others... my cousin...
getting married at the age of 21 is a BIG YES YES for her....
i dont noe wut da hell she's thinking...
she quit her study n get married with da man she love...and they live happily ever after.... romantic...NOT!
but..wut can i say more...da jodoh dye kn...
lg pown dlm agama pown da ckp kalo da berkeinginan n berkemampuan..wajib kawen je..dr mengelakkan perkara yg tedak d ingini berlaku....
and i totally respect her cuz she noe wut she want in her life and brave enough to tell paksu n maksu bout it...
so..wekend lps 25th sept. 2010...they finally tie the knot at Banting...
just havin simple ceremony...cuz kawen mengejut kn...but everythings berjalan ngan lancar...alhamdulillah~
so congrats nor aina zafirah n mohamad syukurullah... :)
you guys rock...! hahaa..tade kaitan pown... :p

STEP UP 3 (3D) is freakin awesome!

da tix... :)
xcited... :)
this movie is so freakin ohsem!
sgt rugi kalo tatgk...
da dance move was so gempak...mmg menanges2 laa tgk~
rase mcm nk dance skali bile tgk dorg dance...hysteria weyh~
5 star! mmg 10 out of 10 laa....

last thursday p tgk step up 3 (3D)...
i noe sgt lmbt kn br p tgk...
tappi ade aku kesah???
janji aku p tgk gak...dr xtgk langsung kn...
tgk kt midv je...paling dkt n sng nk pegy....
geygeh walaupun saket...demi step up wa sanggup...geygeh~
smpai midv kul 8pm...trus tuju gsc...
bajet p awal dpt tgk muvi awal then bole blek awal laa kn...
tappi...3D hanya d tayangkn midnite pd 12.30am saja....
kalo yg awal just screening biase saja....
aku takire...tanak tgk yg biase..nk 3D jgk...
so geygeh laa beli jgk ticket midnite...puas aty~
mlm maseh muda...
sementara menunggu waktu p laa diner dulu kt oasis...pan mee kt situ mmg daebak~
bkn stakat pan mee je..mee2 yg len pown same...daebak~
mkn2...sembang2..buang waktu...tgk jam...maseh awal lg...
pusing2 midv pula...tawaf 7-8 kali smpai lenguh kaki...masok suma kedai yg ade...smpai suma kedai tutup...
beli some stuff.... :)
ok..penat..lepak dpn gsc saja...menjoyah...tgk org...kutuk org...seperti biase...
owhh yea..tyme lepak kt cnie kn...i jmpe KRU...i tataw ape dorg wat kt cnie..mungkin p tgk muvi gak kowt...
who cares...i bknnya jakon nk amik port bout dorg...wasting my tyme~
12.25am...finally...can go inside...sgt teruja~
tgk movie...around 2.15am abish...sgt puas aty~
blek... :)
my new ninja cabel man... :)

my new cooling hand fan... :)

playin animal crossing while waiting...

stop snaping my picca...


owh yeah..3D beybeh~

mencari jalan keluar...

p/s : tengkiu so much cuz sanggup n geygeh melayan kerenah bdk kecik yg sorg nie...thanks cuz blanje muvi n stuff yg merapek 2...huhuu.... :) xoxo

Thursday, September 23, 2010

this little thing called 'skype'...

yea...seperti yg tertulis dlm gamba d ats...kejadahnye skype 2???
sejenis kenderaan kah??? makanan kah??? minuman kah??? mainan kah??? barang perhiasan kah??? perabot kah??? stationary kah??? atau...ape kah???
ntah laa aku pown kurang pasti kaedahnye natang skype 2...
yg aku taw ia adalah sejenis spesies hidupan liar yg tergolong dlm kelompok haiwan terpelihara kerana semakin pupus d muka bumi nie...
koarng pecaye x ngan info yg aku bg nie??? ape...??? xcaye??? napekah???
eishhh...nie yg kakak marah nie...muka kakak sikit punye suci...korang xcaye...
sedeyh aty kakak mcm nie laa...hukhuk~
tappi tahape...mmg bagos pown korang tedak percaya...
kerna semua itu hanya dongengan yg d rekacipta semata-mata....hohoo~

so..what the hell is SKYPE actually???
well...according to wikipedia...Skype (pronounced /skaɪp/) is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free, while calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a fee using a debit-based user account system. Skype has also become popular for its additional features which include instant messaging, file transfer, and video conferencing. The network is operated by a company called Skype Limited, headquartered in Luxembourg and partly owned by eBay.
so..basically..or common understandingnnye..SKYPE nie functionnye lebeyh kurang same je ngan Yahoo! Messenger (YM), Windows Live Messenger, etc.
motif kewujudannye adalah bertujuan sebagai kemudahan orang ramai untuk berkomunikasi juga ber'transfer' atau ber'sharing' is caring  files..takesah laa files ape pown sesama sendiri dengan lebih cepat dan pantas...juga dapat menjimatkan ruang waktu dan juga cost-cost yg terlibat termasuk juga cost-cost yg tersembunyi...mungkin~
adekah info ini membantu dan berguna untuk anda???
adekah anda maseh kurang jelas???
kalo maseh blurr-blurr..sila CLICK yg lebih jitu...okeyh...
kalo aku type pnjg2 n byk2 pown bkn nye korg rajin nk baca kn...huu~

ehem..ehem...mesti korg agk pening2 lalat juga keanehan kn nape aku tetibe rajin wat entry psl SKYPE
nak taw kah motif nye??? nak??? tanak??? nak??? hohohoo~
motif sebenar dan benar..benarnye adalah kerna ingin mewar-warkn bahawasanya sy nisandra heartmean telah pun mempunyai account skype sy sendiri..heee~ (dengan penuh bangganye)
itu je sebenarnye motif yg nk d sampai kn...

p/s : aku ade skype..kau ade??? tade kn...jeles laa 2...huu~

sick of being a sicko

i have been fallen sick once again...
it seem like my immunity is really weak...
i'm so sick of being sick...
it's so tiring to be sick...
how can i boost my immunity???

 p/s : get well soon u much! xoxo

Wednesday, September 22, 2010!

3 days in a row.....shabbass bettey~
15th-17th sept....
begasak begambo tanpa henti....
suka?! iya..sukaaa...! :)
so skang gamba da byk..tappi pening pale plak nk upload yg mne satu...
cane nie haa???
upload suma skali bole x???

a few picca from camera cik muny.....

a few picca from camera ninna.....

a few picca from camera aboo.....

a few picca from camera chubby.....

a few picca from camera timmy.....

okeyh...nie just a few picca yg brjaya d upload setelah beberapa peringkat saringan d bwat....
ade byk lg sebenarnye....nk upload suma mmg talarat laa kn....
so kalo terasa nk stalker suma gamba-gamba tersebut anda bole la berhubung dan berurusan ngan sy sndri...
bkn stakat nk stalker je..nk soft copy pown bole bg...hahahaaa~